The School of ______
Appropriate Skepticism
Ted Hunt, 2016
I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you may be mistaken.

Oliver Cromwell. Synod of the Church of Scotland, August 5 1650.

The School of Appropriate Skepticism decouples skepticism from pessimism, and argues that appropriate skepticism is essential in order that we might ensure the good governance of human values and long-term sustained human consciousness. The school seeks to define the appropriate degrees of skepticism to apply to issues of technological progress and transformation that might safe guard and mitigate against inappropriate decisions and investments.

The School of Appropriate Skepticism encourages it's students to consider where Cromwell's rule might be applicable, and when decision makers should be beseeched to think it is possible they might be mistaken, miss-informed or miss-guided. The success of the school to-date has been attributed in it's ability to breech the contemporary inability of societies, institutions and individuals to consider, or indeed admit, that they might be/ have been wrong. This school of thought challenges the current trend for affirmative design which confirms the existing consensus of perception of how the world is and in-turn how the world must remain. By this means the school is often stated to be 'counter-affirmative' in practice and nature.